Mainland UK
We offer free shipping on all orders shipped within the mainland UK. Your order will be shipped with the most efficient method and will depend on many factors such as size, location delivery address and destination.
Shipping to Europe is available for an additional fee, please email us or call us for a quote.
International Shipping
We can ship items Internationally. Freight quotes will be done on a per order basis. Please contact us for a quote. All freight and duty charges on International orders are the responsibility of the customer.
Order Tracking
We will contact you with the estimated shipping date within 3-5 business days. We will communicate your order tracking information as soon as it becomes available via email. If there is a change in your order status that we provided we will contact you immediately.
Shipping ETA
Please note that we use a third party for all deliveries and that estimated shipping & arrival dates are subject to change according to the carrier's availability.
Shipping Damage
Please inspect all of your product upon receipt of shipment. If you have any shipping damage it is imperative to report this immediately. We will arrange for the damaged product to be picked up and send a replacement item as soon as possible. There may be a charge for the replacement item if we do not receive the original item back within a reasonable time.